How to do Crypto Trading - 2024

 Crypto Trading

One of the biggest barriers to entry when starting  trading is having enough Capital to start with but  the beautiful thing about Crypto Trading  is you really don't need that much Capital to grow  a small account and to create a massive income, generating machine for yourself if you know how  to do it properly. So today in this blog, I'll use  my over 7 years experience as a full-time Trader  and investor to show you exactly how I would take  $100 and scale this up to a $10,000 account. I'm  going to show you how to get access to Capital. The  exact strategy I would use to safely scale up this  account along with the complete trading system. You can start using today to actually start taking these trades and at the end I'll tell you  case studies and transparent examples of my trades  that I take alongside my core team of traders that  I now use to be able to make thousands of dollars  per day trading cryptocurrency. Okay so if that sounds good and that's your goal, make sure you share our blog and if you have interest in Crypto Mining, save this website. If you like Crypto Trading and investing, see my more blog on them, you will definetely learn something new!

Crypto Trading

1. How to access Capital for Crypto Trading

All right so considering that the biggest barrier to entry when starting trading is having access to Capital. I'm going to show you how we can use $100 and use up to $10,000 worth of capital in order to safely and effectively take these trades. I use by bit to do most of my cryptocurrency trading depending on where you live. You might need to use different exchanges. FX is another option in the  cryptocurrency space that allows us to take the style of Trades and be able to have access to leverage but if I click into my leverage button and we can increase this up to 100x. Which once again will give us access to 100x, the size of capital and this is applicable across all platforms. You do have  to be careful with leverage but if you understand  how to use it properly, it can drastically increase the speed in which you grow your account. All right so for example with my trading, I'm usually  risking anywhere between $1 to $2,000 per trade in attempts to make anywhere from $3 to $5,000 per trade.

2. Account Growth Strategy


Before we dive into how to trade this system so you can start taking these trades. I want to go over some  general rules of thumb especially that apply to this trading system that can help you safely and effectively grow your account. All right so the first rule is having a starting point that is both psychologically comfortable and will allow your  system to have a profitable Edge for this system and for this trading example, it's always smart  to start a little bit smaller so we're going to start with 10% as a good starting point and then once we understand the stats, we can go ahead and increase it. All right and a good rule of thumb is pick an account size that if you lost the entire  thing, it wouldn't be that catastrophic to you so that way you can focus on the math behind the system and not the money at first because it's going to be psychologically draining for you in the beginning either way so starting with a small amount of cap capital building the infrastructure to then be able to inject it with more capital is how you're able to scale in trading. Okay starting with too much money cuz you're anxious to make a lot of money, it's only going to burn you more money and actually slow you down for making money. Okay trust me I've been doing this for a long time, take my word for it and so for example some of the Traders on the Discord and the examples that I'm going to tell you have a over 95% win rate trading. So this is going to take some time to build up to.


Rule two is something called fixed percentage withdrawals. All right and this means that every time you have a profitable trade, you're taking a percentage of that profit and setting it aside putting the rest of the profit back into the account and then taking a percentage off of that  again so you're still compounding the account but then when you do have a loss, you're able to take all the profit that you've set aside and cycle that back into your account to sort of smooth out this process. So yes this can slow down the compound but this is also going to smooth out the equity curve and make it a more gradual safe scalable process. With trading, we want to make it sustainable, we want to make it gradual and we want to follow the proper processes. This is really really important for this particular system. You're  going to find out in just a second.


Step three is picking an income goal per day. Whenever you're starting something, you want to know where your end goal actually is. You don't want to just keep going at it and not thinking about it. You want to know  different sections of when I get to this amount of money, this is going to be my objective so once you get to the point where 25% of the profit is a good daily amount that you want to start taking out. This is how you can turn this process into that income generating machine for yourself while maintaining consistency. If I can make right around $11,000 per trade and do this a couple times per day, that's getting me to the couple,  in profit per day and factoring losses is still going to get me anywhere between that  $3 to $5,000 per week. That then I continually work to grow on in order to say double that then in say a couple years. I'll scale that up which will get me to sort of that sweet spot of  $3,000 to $5,000 per week and work on scaling that over time.

Crypto Trading

3. Trading Strategy

1. Strategy of Trend Following

Idea: This tactic entails determining and adhering to the dominant market trend. Traders think a trend will probably stick around once it is formed.

Implementation: To spot trends, traders might employ technical analysis techniques including momentum indicators, trendlines, and moving averages. Following that, they take positions in the trend's direction, selling or shorting during downtrends and buying during uptrends.

Risk control: To reduce possible losses in the event that the trend reverses, stop-loss orders are frequently employed. To lock in winnings while the trend continues, traders can also use trailing stop-loss orders.

2. The swing trading strategy

Idea: Swing trading is the art of profiting on brief to moderate price fluctuations that occur inside a longer-term trend. 'Swings' in asset values, which last from a few days to many weeks, are what traders hope to benefit from.

Implementation: To determine possible entry and exit locations, swing traders usually examine price patterns and technical indicators. They search for equities or other assets that trade within certain ranges and show volatility.

Risk management: Position size and stop-loss orders are two tools used to control risk. Swing traders often seek bigger gains in relation to the amount risked, and their goal is to attain a favourable risk-to-reward ratio on each transaction.

3. Mean Reversion Technique

Idea: The foundation of this approach is the idea that, following periods of either overvaluation or undervaluation, asset values eventually return to their mean or average.

Application: Mean reversion methods allow traders to find assets that have drastically strayed from their historical averages and place bets on a return to the mean. This may entail selling or purchasing assets that were overbought or oversold.

Risk management: Since markets may continue to be crazy for longer than anticipated, mean reversion traders need to exercise caution. Because of this, risk management strategies like stop-loss orders and appropriate position size are essential to minimising losses in the event that the predicted reversal does not materialise as predicted.

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